Wednesday, January 16, 2008

ATLA info

Here's some information about the American Theological Library Association, a group I highly recommend for anyone interested in seminary librarianship and/or collection development and other issues in the areas of religion and theology.

Website: Lots of general information about all aspects of the organization, including membership and the annual conference.

Listserv discussion groups: Several of these--including ATLANTIS, the very active general purpose list--are open to non-members, although you may be asked by the list administrator to explain your interest in participating. The lists also have a web interface, which you can use once you've created an account to browse or search the archives.

Job postings: The world of North American theological librarianship is a small one, so jobs don't come open all that often, but when they do, you're more likely to find them here than through ALA or ACRL.

I enjoyed meeting many of you at the recent ALA Midwinter meeting, and I hope the PRT group will continue to become more active.


Philosophical, Religious & Theological Disc Group said...

Thanks for posting this Miranda!

Joyce said...

Thanks, Miranda, this was really helpful! Pleasure meeting you at ALA.