ACRL Philosophical, Religious,
Theological Studies Discussion Group
ALA Annual 2012 / Anaheim, CA
Sunday, June 24 / 4:00-5:30 PM
Disneyland Hotel - Frontier
Board Room
The PRT Discussion Group invites
proposals for brief presentations and suggestions for discussion topics within
the realm of library and information services to philosophy, religious studies
and theological studies for its upcoming meeting at ALA Annual in Anaheim.
Recent discussions have focused on Big Deal packages and e-books and their implications
for philosophy, religion and theological studies. Any relevant suggestions are
welcome. Please send your ideas and proposals to Colin McCaffrey,
PRT Is also looking for new
leadership. If you are interested in serving as a convenor or co-convenor of
the discussion group, please send an expression of interest to Joshua Barton:
Colin McCaffrey:
Joshua Barton: